The Right of Way on Water
It is important to obey the rules of the right of way when kitesurfing on water to make kiteboarding a safer sport. For your information read the following guidelines bellow.

Entering Water
Always give way to riders entering the water. A kiteboarder with an inflatable kite has the right of way. Being on land with a kite is more dangerous than being on water, so always allow others to enter the water even if this means you have to make another lap before being able to return to the beach.

Passing One Another
When kiteboarders are approaching each other the upwind rider must bring their kite up and the downwind rider must bring their kite down.

The Right Of Way
Give way to riders moving to their right (starboard side). That applies even if you riding switched to the toe size. The left side of kite control bar is always a bright color (it can be red, orange, yellow and etc depending on the brand). This should remind you to give way, when going to the left.

Space For Beginners
Always give way to a kiteboarder who is not in control of their equipment. You should give space to a rider without their board or who look less in control of their kite.

Overtaking A Rider
When overtaking, give way to the rider you are overtaking. Just like driving a car the person being overtaken keeps their course whilst you move out of their way to get past them. Remember to keep at least one kite length between you and them when overtaking.

Avoiding Collision
Give way to other water users. Remember even if it’s your right of way it is your responsibility to avoid a collision at all costs. Obeying these rules will help keep kitesurfing a safe and well respected watersport.